" Small discreet fruit "
Macérat of startups of Myrtillier and Blueberry
Stomach, digestion, bowel, hormonal system etc.
The food Complement with sprouted seeds "Sweet germ" of the laboratory "PhytoGerm" helps you:
- To fight the migraines (in association with "Pure germ"), the problems of stomach: hurts, acidities and ballonements (in association with "Cool germ") and irritations (in association with "Pure germ" and "Cool germ"), all the imbalance of the intestinal transit (in association with "Cool germ"), the free radicals (in association with "Tonic germ" and "Cool germ"), the dizzinesses and the vomitings (in association with "Pure germ"), the problems bound to the premenopause and to the menopause: hot flashes etc. (in association with "Tonic germ" and "Pure germ"), the imbalance bound to the absorption of sugar (in association with "Tonic germ"), the ringing in the ears (in association with "Pure germ" and "Cool germ"), the cellulite (in association with "Pure germ"and "Net germ")
- To strengthen the sight (in association with "Pure germ"), the hormonal system, the digestion (ebb of acidity), the bladder, and to find the prostatic comfort, the pancreas (in association with "Tonic germ"), the heart (in association with "Vita germ" and "Cool germ"), the acido basic balance (in association with "Ar germ")
In association with "Vita germ" and "Cool germ" to help to lower the blood pressure. To facilitate the blood circulation (in association with "Vita germ" and "Cool germ"). To find its urinary comfort (in association with "Net germ"). Good antioxidant (in association with "Vita germ" and "Cool germ"). Relieve heartburns.
For 21 drops:
Macérat of young startups and fruits of Myrtiller 1g.
Revitalized water, brandy * of cognac.
Moistening: vegetable glycerin, startups(young persons,young shoots) and fruits of Myrtiller *.
* Ingredients stemming from the organic farming.
Macérats is without pesticides, no toxins, not irradiated.
Principles of bio - dynamie are used to keep(preserve) the energy of life of the seed.
Advises of use:
7 drops 1 - 3 times a day diluted in a little water 5 mn before the meal.
Keep in the ambient temperature never put in the refrigerator.
1 flask = 28 days of cure (at the rate of 7 drops 3 times a day).
Cure of attack: (the first week is the most important phase of the cure) 7 drops 3 times a day during 1 week if need longer then 7 drops twice a day (in the morning and evening) till the end of the flask.
Council: 2 cures a year in the change of season.
It is disadvised to exceed the indicated daily dose. Cannot replace a varied and well-balanced food and a healthy lifestyle. Hold out of reach young children.