

A section in which one you will find all the offers of " Bien-etreessentiel.fr "!

"News", " good plans " but also "gifts" and "books".



This section will give you a fast look onto the novelties put on-line by your shop " www.bien-etreessentiel.fr "!



Books for products that interest you and you want to know more about it... Then this section is made for you!

Gift ideas

Gift ideas

It is not always easy to find the ideal present! It is especially the ideas which are lacking ...

Jewels well-being

Jewels well-being

In this section, find our selection of jewels well-being. For all the opportunities and for every day.



All the specials, the good plans in a click! Take advantage of bargain prices on quality products.



Our animals just like undergo us emotional situations which can engender behavior of in the stress.

Removal from storage

Removal from storage

This section is the place of the "affairs"!

Benefit of ends of line or of products in short dates very interesting prices.

Anti-mosquitoes and insects

Anti-mosquitoes and insects

Every summer mosquitoes invade terraces, gardens, houses etc. and for some it is a nightmare!!!

moral high ground

moral high ground

As we know, good morale and a good mind are beneficial to health. That is why we have selected for you products to help you